To provide funding and advocacy for children and families affected by a rare disease or genetic disorder from conception through adulthood.
A world where all children with a rare disease or genetic disorder achieve their full potential.
The Genesis Foundation for Children lives its mission through the practice of the Feingold Model of Coordinated Care.
In 1982, Dr. Murray Feingold, a leading pediatrician and geneticist, created what he called The Genesis Fund — later renamed The Genesis Foundation for Children — to provide integrated, compassionate care and advocacy for patients with rare diseases and genetic disorders. With The Genesis Foundation’s financial support, Dr. Feingold was able to establish The Feingold Center for Children, now The Feingold Service at Mass General for Children, which assembles a team of specialists dedicated to providing comprehensive care to their patients and allows sufficient time to spend with them learning together. Today, the Feingold Model of Coordinated Care has expanded to include offering therapeutic and informational services.