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Our Programs & Services

The Genesis Foundation for Children funds various programs and services that assist families dealing with a rare disease and genetic disorder diagnosis – in practical and productive ways.


For parents or caretakers of children with rare diseases or genetic disorders, most of the roadblocks they face are due to a lack of guidance and resources. It can be difficult finding necessary therapies and services to help their child, and there are often financial challenges in being able to afford these programs once they do. That’s where The Genesis Foundation for Children comes in.

The Feingold Service at Mass General for Children

We support care that treats the whole patient, not just their diagnosis.

Through the philanthropy of The Genesis Foundation for Children, Mass General for Children (MGfC) is working to expand wraparound care for patients with rare genetic conditions and their families. Thanks to a $1,160,000 gift provided by the Foundation, the Dr. Murray Feingold Coordinated Genetics Service (the Feingold Service) was established in 2022 as part of Mass General’s Division of Medical Genetics and Metabolism. The Foundation’s support provides critical resources that enable the program to extend its enhanced, in-depth model of care to families in need. These services include everything from testing and diagnosis, establishing treatment plans and coordination with subspeciality services, to social needs support and follow up care.

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Our programs and services are extensions of the Feingold Model of Coordinated Care, which takes a holistic, comprehensive approach to medical care, and allows clinicians to spend more in-depth, quality time with their patients and caregivers.

Therapeutic Programs

The therapeutic programs we fund allow children and young adults with special needs the opportunity to participate in various arts and recreational programs, taught by certified instructors and therapists. We accept grant applications for programs looking for funding. The application submission window is between the months of July and September each year.


Assistive Technologies

Patients often benefit from assistive technologies such as adaptive bicycles, electric strollers, or Braille computers to aid their growth and development. We are committed to giving families access to these tools without worrying about the cost involved.